Explain Amazon services, data storage service ,database domain service, network services, developer tool/source code services, management tool services.

 Compute services help developers build, deploy, and scale an application in the cloud platform. 

1. AWS EC2: It is a web service that allows developers to rent virtual machines and automatically scales the compute capacity when required. AWS EC2 offers various instance types to developers so that they can choose required resources such as CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity based on their application requirements.

2. Amazon Elastic BeanstalkHelps to scale and deploy web applications made with several programming languages like java, python, ruby, and .NET. EBS handles the deployment of the as soon as it is uploaded.

3. Amazon Lightsail: This enables a virtual private server (VPS) to be launched and managed with ease. It includes everything required by developers who want to start their projects quickly on a virtual machine.

4. AWS Lambda: It is a serverless computing service that is also responsible for executing code for applications. AWS Lambda helps you execute a program without the hassle of managing servers.

AWS provides web data storage service for archiving data and also helps with disaster data recovery with high durability.

1. Amazon S3: It is an open cloud-based storage service that is utilized for online data backup. Amazon S3 provides storage through a web services interface and is designed for developers where web-scale computing can be easier for them. 

2. Amazon Glacier. Amazon Glacier is a cloud storage service that is used for archiving data and long-term backup. The glacier is used for data archiving and long-term backup. 

3. Amazon EBS: It provides a high availability storage volume for persistent data. It is mainly used by Amazon EC2 instances. EBS volumes are used explicitly for primary storage such as file storage database storage, and block-level storage. 

4. Amazon Elastic File System: Amazon EFS provides elastic file storage, which can be used with AWS Cloud Services and resources that are on-premises. It is easy to use and offers a simple interface that allows you to create and configure file systems quickly and easily.

AWS database domain service offers cost-efficient, highly secure, and scalable database instances in the cloud 

1. DynamoDB: It is a flexible NoSQL database service that offers fast and reliable performance with no scalability issues. It is a multi-region and durable database with instant built-in security, backup and restores features.

2. Amazon RDS: It is a managed distributed relational database cloud service that helps developers to operate and simply scale a database. This was launched to simplify the setup, operation, and scaling process for developers while accessing a relational database.

3. Amazon Redshift: Amazon Redshift is a data warehouse that enables users to analyze their data using SQL and other BI tools. It is a fast, fully managed data warehouse. It also allows users to run complex analytical queries against structured data using sophisticated query optimizations. 

Networking and Delivery of Content offers a highly secure cloud platform and connects your physical network to your private virtual network with a high transfer speed.

1. VPC: It helps a developer to deploy AWS resources, such as Amazon EC2 instances into a private virtual cloud. It gives you control over the complete cloud network environment, including the section of your IP address range, subnets, route table configuration, and network gateways. With this, developers' environment. can use both IPv4 and IPv6 at a time for your resources in a highly secure

2 Amazon Route S3: It is a web service with a highly available Domain Name System (DNS) that helps users to route software by translating the text into an IP address. We launched it for developers to provide them a cost-effective method of routing end users to cloud applications. 

3. Elastic Load Balancing: Elastic Load Balancing automatically diverts incoming traffic into multiple targets.

Developer Tools help a user build, deploy, and run an application source code automatically. It also updates the server and instance on the workload. 

1. CodeStar: It is a service designed to manage application development in a single place. Here, developers can quickly develop, build, and deploy applications on AWS.

2. Code Build: This service removes the hassle of managing physical servers and helps developers build and test code with continuous scaling. It compiles your code, executes unit tests, and gives output artifacts that are ready to deploy.

3. Security, Identity & Compliance:It helps in monitoring a safe environment for your AWS resources by providing limited access to specific users. 

4. IAM: Identity Access Management is a framework that helps in securely maintaining access to AWS services. The service gives you Shared access to your AWS account and Secure access to AWS services that run on the AWS EC2 application.

5. KMS: It enables users to create and manage the encryption keys that are used for encrypting data. The service includes a key generation method where digital signing within your applications becomes easier. 

With Management Tools an individual can optimize costs, minimize risks, and automate all the resources running efficiently on the AWS infrastructure.

1. Cloud Watch: It is a monitoring tool for AWS resources and customer applications running on the AWS platform. The service helps you gather and access all your operational data in the form of logs from a single interface.

2. Cloud Formation: This service helps you in monitoring all your AWS resources in one place so that applications. It allows developers to manage their cloud infrastructure either in a text file or you can spend minimum time managing those resources and maximum time developing templates. 

3. AWS Autoscaling: AWS Auto Scaling automatically adjusts resource usage to ensure steady performance at a low cost.

Many firms across the world use AWS to create, deploy, and host applications, whether they are IT, giants, startups, governments, or retail businesses. Amazon claims that the number of active AWS users tops one million. 

1. Adobe uses AWS to provide multi-terabyte operating environments for its customers by integrating its system with AWS Cloud. Adobe can focus on deploying and operating its software instead of trying to deploy and manage the infrastructure.

2. Netflix uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) for nearly all its computing and storage needs, including databases, analytics, recommendation engines, video transcoding, and hundreds of functions that in total use more than 100,000 server instances on AWS. 

3. Airbnb, the online vacation rental marketplace for property owners and travelers to connect, maintains a huge infrastructure in AWS, using nearly all the available services.

4. Autodesk develops software for the engineering, design, and entertainment industries. Using services like Amazon RDS and Amazon S3, Autodesk can focus on developing its machine learning tools instead of spending that time on managing the infrastructure 

5. America Online (AOL) has used AWS to economize, closing data centers, and decommission about 14,000 in-house and co-located servers. They have moved mission-critical workloads to the cloud, extended its global reach, and saved millions of dollars on energy resources.

6. BitDefender is an internet security software firm, and its portfolio of software includes antivirus and anti-spyware products. Using Amazon EC2, they are running several hundred instances that handle about five terabytes of data. BitDefender also uses the Elastic Load Balancer feature to load balance the connection coming into those instances across availability zones, providing seamless global delivery of service.

7. BMW uses AWS for its new connected-car application, collecting sensor data from BMW 7-series cars to give drivers dynamically updated map information.

8. Canon's imaging products division benefits from faster deployment times, lower cost, and global reach by using AWS to deliver cloud-based services such as mobile print and office imaging products. 

9. Docker is a company helping to redefine the way developers build, ship, and run applications making use of containers. The Amazon EC2 container service helps them do it. of the program's 

10. Although much of the European Space Agency's work is done by satellites, some data storage and computing infrastructure is built on Amazon Web Services.

11. The Guardian newspaper uses a wide range of AWS services to power an analytic dashboard used by editors to see how stories are trending in real-time.

12. The Financial Times is one of the world's leading business news organizations and they use Amazon Redshift to perform their analyses. Redshift performed their analyses so quickly, that some thought it was malfunctioning. They were used to running queries overnight. The Times found that the results were correct, just much faster. 

13. General Electric (GE) is, at this moment, migrating more than 9,000 workloads - including 300 disparate ERP systems - to AWS while reducing its data center footprint from 34 to four by 2021. 


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