Pure Versus Partial EC

Pure Versus Partial EC

  • EC takes several forms depending on the degree of digitization (the transformation from physical to digital).
  • Companies utilizing pure EC conduct all of their business online.
  • Businesses utilizing partial EC conduct a portion of their business online and a portion of their business off-line


  • Pure E-electronic commerce refers to a situation where a business transacts its business activities PURELY online. that is, the goods or services sold do not have any physical presence. take a business that sells software, for example, you just pay and download, or one that sells music files online.
  • Partial E-Commerce on the other hand refers to a slightly opposite situation where a business has an online presence, but still has a physical location for the goods and services it sells. For example, Amazon, Walmart, and any other you can think of. you buy the goods online but receive them physically.


  •   Partial e-commerce is when a company will sell a good through the internet but the fulfillment of goodwill needs to take place in the "real" world. E.g. buying a book on Amazon, they will have to send it to you physically.
  • Pure e-commerce is when everything happens on the internet. E.g. buying music/movies on iTunes.



Pure vs. Partial EC:

 - based on the degree of digitization of

 • Product(service) sold [physical / digital];

 • Process [physical / digital] 

 • Delivery agent (or intermediary) [physical / digital] 

- Traditional commerce: all dimensions are physical

- Pure E-commerce : all dimensions are digital

• Pure online (virtual) organizations
• New-economy organization
• Sell products or services only online

- Partial E-Commerce: a mix of digital and physical dimensions
• Click-and-mortar organizations
• Conduct EC activities
• Do their primary business in the physical world


  • Partial E-Commerce is also known as Click-and-mortar where organizations conduct e-commerce activities, but do their primary business in the physical world.
  • Pure E-Commerce where organizations sell products or services only online
  • Electronic commerce can take several forms depending on the degree of digitization (the transformation from physical to digital) involved. The degree of digitization can relate to:

- the product (service) sold,

- the process,

- the delivery agent (or intermediary).

  • A product can be physical or digital, the process can be physical or digital, and the delivery agent can be physical or digital. In traditional commerce all three dimensions are physical, and in pure EC all dimensions are digital. All other combinations include a mix of digital and physical dimensions. If there is at least one digital dimension, we consider the situation electronic commerce but only partial EC. For example, buying a shirt at Wal-Mart Online, or a book from Amazon.com is partial EC, because the merchandise is physically delivered by FedEx. However, buying an e-book from Amazon.com or a software product from Buy.com is pure EC, because the product, its delivery, payment, and transfer agent are all done online.


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