Explain the classical approach to organizing.

 Classical approach: Classical approach represents the traditionally accepted norms and systems in organizing. This approach provides universal prospective to organizing. It includes the ideas and principles of classical management experts F.W. Taylor, Henry Fayol, Max Weber, etc. Thus, classical approach of organizing is the combination of theory of scientific management, theory of administrative management and bureaucratic theory of management. This approach emphasizes on job specialization to increase the organizational efficiency. For motivating employees, this approach focuses on financial incentives on the basis of output of employees. This approach is rational and mechanistic.

Classical approach suggests that organizing should start with division of work to make the jobs simple. Jobs must contain only the similar components i.e. tasks. This approach highlights on the formal chain of command, strict discipline, clearly defined rules and regulations, unity of command and direction, etc.

Classical approach has been criticized these days because of its rigidity. As we know, business environment is more dynamic and complex. In such situation, every rigid principle of organizing cannot be implemented universally. Many things can be influenced by behavioral and situational factors which are not considered in this approach. To address this limitation, behavioral and contingency approaches are evolved simultaneously.


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