What are the major distributed computing technologies that led to cloud computing?

Distributed computing

  • A computer processing approach in which various elements of a program run concurrently on two or more machines that communicate with each other over a network is known as distributed computing
  •  Distributed computing is a subset of segmented or parallel computing; however, the latter term is most usually used to describe processing in which separate sections of a program execute concurrently on two or more processors in the same machine. While both forms of processing need that a program is segmented-divided into portions that may run concurrently-distributed computing requires that the segmentation of the program take into consideration the many settings in which the various pieces of the program will operate.  Two computers, for example, are likely to have distinct file systems and physical components. 
  • Distributed computing is a technique in which software system components are shared among numerous computers to increase efficiency and performance. It is confined to applications that use components shared by computers in a certain geographical region.
  • Distributed computing just means that something is shared among multiple systems which may also be in different locations. The Distributed Computing Environment is a widely used industry standard that supports distributed computing.
  •  Distributed computing is the use of distributed systems to solve single large problems by distributing tasks to single computers in the distributing systems. On the other hand, cloud computing is the use of network-hosted servers to do several tasks like storage, processing, and management of data.

The major distributed computing technologies that led to cloud computing are:

Distributed computing, virtualization, service orientation, and Web 2.0 form the core technologies enabling the provisioning of cloud services from anywhere on the globe. Developing applications and systems that leverage the cloud requires knowledge across all these technologies. 


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