Explain architecture of the Aneka-based computing cloud in detail.

 The architecture of the Aneka-based computing cloud 

  • The Aneka-based computing cloud is a collection of physical and virtualized resources that are linked via a network, which can be the Internet or a private intranet. Each of these resources contains an instance of the Aneka Container, which represents the runtime environment in which the distributed apps operate. The container offers the fundamental management features of a single node and leverages all other activities on the services that it hosts. The services are divided into three categories: fabric, foundation, and execution. Fabric services provide hardware profiling and dynamic resource provisioning by interacting directly with the node via the Platform Abstraction Layer (PAL). The fundamental system of the Aneka middleware is identified by foundation services, which provide a collection of fundamental capabilities that allow Aneka containers to conduct specialized sets of jobs. Execution services deal directly with the scheduling and execution of Cloud applications.

  • Aneka's ability to provide alternative methods of expressing distributed applications by delivering alternative programming models is one of its primary advantages; execution services are largely concerned with supplying the middleware with an implementation for these models. Additional services, such as persistence and security, are cross-cutting throughout the full stack of services hosted by the Container. At the application level, a variety of components and tools are given to 1) ease application development (SDK); 2) move existing apps to the Cloud; and 3) monitor and manage the Aneka Cloud. 
  • Aneka's most typical deployment is shown in the figure. An Aneka-based Cloud is made up of a collection of networked resources that may be dynamically adjusted to meet the demands of the user through resource virtualization or by utilizing the spare CPU cycles of desktop PCs. If the deployment designates a private Cloud, all resources, for example, are in-house, such as within the organization. This deployment is expanded by adding on-demand publicly accessible resources or by interfacing with other Aneka public clouds that provide computing resources connected over the Internet.


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